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Saturday, December 31, 2011

This little light of mine

I can hardly believe that at the close of this day, we will have been blessed to see yet another year! I haven't been able to catch my breath since this year began.  I took "Applications", asked the question "Can I Get That?" and professed how love had me "Wide" open and feeling like I could "Touch the Sky". Like most of us, 2011 was filled with peaks and valleys, but for me I thank God that I can proudly say, more peaks than valleys.
Some eluded to the idea that perhaps I should have had a more "successful" album....More critically acclaimed....less "fairytale" theme for "Love Infinity"......more of a presence within certain circles, one might expect my "acceptance" in.  Without hesitation I can say that, myself, the Tobin Blakes Group, did what I was told was the impossible....all with God's guidance every step of the way.

To have sold more than the 5 anticipated copies(to family) of "Love Infinity", for me, a victory was already won.  My music was featured in over 138 countries; "Free" remained on the charts for 19 weeks at #1 in the Netherlands (still currently have two songs on Danceteria! Phat 50 chart); 13 weeks on the UK Soul Chart; my music being heard daily on DirecTV and select Airlines; playing at venues with appreciative audiences; fulfilling my childhood dream of performing at the legendary Roxy; and so many other blessings along the way....All in less than a year. What made the 2011-small victories so sweet, it was from blood, sweat and lots of tears. In the long line of Indie Soul Artists there was ....."No cuts, no buts....not a single coconut"! lol and I wouldn't change a thing.  Just the pure diligence of my team.  A team of 3.  God, Darla (Tobin-Blakes) and myself.  All of this from someone who isn't marketable, not pretty enough, skinny enough....and no one would ever listen to my music because of those things (as my previous management said so many times, years ago). The overwhelming support that we have received from those that stopped by my facebook page and/or twitter to let me know that something on my album touched them means so much.  Which reminds me of my trip to Atlanta for the ISMS this past summer.  A guy at the conference, while on his turn at the mic to acknowledge his love for Avery Sunshine (a panelist), turns to me, by name and starts to sing "Free".  I was then reminded of why I made the choice to share my passion with the masses.  For "Charles" and others like him that identify with my music in some way.

I'd be lying if I said it wasn't hurtful at times to not see the support manifest in tangible ways from some people that mattered most.  In spite of that, I usher in the new year embracing the feeling that the impossible truly does mean "I'm-possible".  I'm a firm believer that without adversity one may not appreciate what's been achieved.  Sure, had the deal I signed at 17 actually panned out, maybe I'd be further along or it could have led me down an unguided path??  You never know, but I do know is that I'm right where I'm supposed to be.  This moment right now is "Everything I ever wanted" and more. I don't know what 2012 will bring, but if it's even half of what 2011 was, it is going to be a another phenomenal year!

I don't do resolutions (certainly haven't done them very well in the past) so let's just call it a pledge or goal.   One of my goals going into 2012 is to take care of me.....not as if to say that I'll abandon my love and desire to help others, but I need to make sure I give enough to myself in order to have a sufficient balance to be able to give to others.  
As the clock strikes midnight, remember to continue to let YOUR light shine......."everywhere I go, all in my home, Jesus gave it to me.....and I'm gonna let it shine. Let it shine, let it shine..... let it shine"
 Happy New Year, Lovelies! 
 Nuggets that I've used, learned and/or lived by this year:

"If someone withdraws more than they deposit in your bank(spiritually/emotionally)'s time to close that personal account"

"People will proclaim your failures and whisper your victories"

"Be ready so you don't have to get ready"
"Don't talk about about it"
"Love is the answer"

"Celebrate the small victories....but don't dance in the end zone too long"

Monday, October 24, 2011

What is it good for?

War......What is it good for? know the rest.  

No matter what side of the political-fence you sit, the news that our men and women are coming home is wonderful news!  Though I have never served, I have friends and family members that have.  Some have had spouses and/or children deployed over the course of their lifetimes, sometimes multiple tours.  You want to shed a few tears?  Watch one of those surprise reunions of a parent reuniting with their children after being deployed. 

If that doesn't hit you right in the gut, I don't know what will.  For that reason, I am thrilled that children will be able to celebrate a lost tooth, first day of school, prom, birthdays, Tuesday, or Just Because Day with their parents.  

I salute YOU for the sacrifices you have made to serve and to protect those of us who have been home watching from afar.  Also, I salute the spouses who have held down their households in the absence of that friend, partner, lover.  You, too deserve an honorary purple heart for your endurance through this war.  

To the families that have lost loved ones during this time, I know that this may be bittersweet. The "what-ifs" are sure to run through your mind at this time.  I know that your loved one's peers returning home will not soothe your pain or loss, but I do pray that in some way, this too can be a celebration of the dedication of the fallen soldiers as well. 

I recorded this song in tribute to ALL service men and women, past and present, and to their families. May God continue to bless and keep you.....

Click here: 
Home - Teri Tobin - Tribute to Military Families 

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Well done, thou good and faithful servant

Do you remember what it was like before everyone had a cell phone? I remember it well. I was so anti-cell phone, figuring that if someone needed to get a hold me, they'd leave a message on my home phone and I'd get back to them then. Boy, have those days changed. Anytime I leave the house without my phone, I feel naked.

What about the first computer you ever used? Mine was a Mac. Back then I was so impressed at how you could reach out to so many people on the net without leaving your house. Fast-forward to when I went from using a 4-track, Adats, DA88, 1in reel to reel to the format I use now to record music. The good ole-tried-and-true-MACintosh. Sure it's time for me to upgrade my "baby", but she has given me so many years of pleasure. The ability to turn an idea into a song right in the next room when inspiration may hit in the middle of the night. Pajama's and all. Over the years I have wondered, "who is the master mind" behind this system that has made it possible for me to attend to my Mommy duties, be home when he wakes up in the middle of night and yet write, produce and record all in one swoop....and with the exception of electricity usage, at no extra cost.

Enter Steve Jobs. A man who from childhood found his passion. This passion would translate into convenience, connectivity and for some a lifeline during crucial times. How many times have you seen someone on the train listening to their iPod to pass the time during their commute? Or a group of people standing close together to take a picture with an iPhone to capture that moment in time? When was the last time you heard a song on the radio or on pandora, and immediately went to iTunes and found the gem you HAD to have in you collection? Thirty years ago, I never would have guessed that this is where technology was headed. Steve Jobs did. As a matter fact, he had the forethought to make it so. In 2001, Apple announced the release of the little "pod" where you could take your music with you everywhere you go......Over 297,000,000 iPods sold worldwide as of December 2010. That's not even talking about the iPhone and iPad obsession that everyone on the planet seems to have.

Let's dig a little deeper. I can honestly say that Steve Jobs and his innovations basically gave a lifeline to independent artist like myself. How else would my music be heard and purchased in over 138 countries, within a few months? Enter iTunes. Without iTunes and the other digital outlets that followed, I wouldn't have been able to release "Love Infinity".......and so many other of my "indie" counterparts wouldn't have a forum to place their hard work for others to share and enjoy. I, for one, am indebted to him for that. Not only for his innovations, but upon his passing more and more "nuggets" have been posted and re-posted. His words were so poignant and profound.....yet simplistic enough for young people to "get it". All this from a man whom, at birth was given up for adoption, had 6 months of college education.....who would go on to give the most memorable Commencement Speech at Stanford University (USNWR 2011) in 2005. Whether you have an affinity for PC or Mac, Steve Jobs gave us much more than a "Computer War", he left us with hope that will resonate for generations to come.

Experience his sincerity, thought-provoking testimony.......In his OWN words:

"That's been one of my mantras -- focus and simplicity. Simple can be harder than complex: You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it's worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains." -- BusinessWeek interview, May 1998

"The most compelling reason for most people to buy a computer for the home will be to link it into a nationwide communications network. We're just in the beginning stages of what will be a truly remarkable breakthrough for most people--as remarkable as the telephone."
-- Playboy interview, 1985

"It's really hard to design products by focus groups. A lot of times, people don't know what they want until you show it to them."
-- BusinessWeek interview, May 1998

"Picasso had a saying: 'Good artists copy, great artists steal.' We have always been shameless about stealing great ideas...I think part of what made the Macintosh great was that the people working on it were musicians, poets, artists, zoologists and historians who also happened to be the best computer scientists in the world."
-- 1994

"Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything -- all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure - these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart. ... Stay hungry. Stay foolish."
-- Stanford University commencement address, June 2005.

Matthew 25:21  ".......Well done, thou good and faithful servant"

Monday, September 19, 2011

Jamie Foxx and I got married !!

It's no secret that I have had a relationship with Jamie for years.  (If only in my mind) but I think it's time that he knows.  Don't you think?  I mean, my former co-workers and my fellow Mocha Mom's have all experienced my intense LIKE for him.  Even my Granny knows.  His movie "Jarhead" was on at her house.  I mention that "my husband" was on.  Without missing a beat, she knew whom I was speaking of. 

Ok, so we haven't exactly exchanged vows (to each other), but we have shared some very intimate time together.  Like at the American Music Awards in 2002.  We were at the after party backstage.  We stood next to each other. Very Intimate. I mean, there was no real eye contact, but I'm sure it's because he was shy.   Or like the time I was at his concert at San Manuel in Highland, CA.   We were singing Do What It Do together.  He looked deep in my eyes as we sang the lyrics in duet.  In fact, no one else was there.  It was just him and I.  (I mean, sure I road over there with my cousin and there were thousands of folks with tickets who attended the show, but still).....there was no one else there.....And that time at the Gibson Amphitheater. It was as if the rest of the thousands of people screaming didn't exist.  I could see it in his eyes, too.

Now, I feel it necessary to set the record straight about our relationship.  I'm sure you have seen the instances where he was "allegedly kissing Fantasia" and was caught in lip-lock with one Ms. Halle Berry.  What you can not see in the footage that was aired, is that it was pretend and he didn't even enjoy it.  I support my man in his work and realize that he will have to do some things that he doesn't want to do for his craft. As we all saw in the movie "Ray", that he is an amazing actor. Did I mention he is an Academy Award Winner?  Yeah, so just because it looked like there was legitimate passion in those two separate situations, he was just acting, just so we're clear.

Another thing you probably don't know about Eric, publicly known as Jamie.  (Oh, yeah I have other endearing names for him, but those are private.  He wouldn't want that information to get out.)  Anyway, what you don't know is that before he even laid eyes on me he wrote this song for me:

Yeah he wanted to express his love for me in a very unique way, and so he wrote it.  He hasn't had the chance to sing it to me yet, because he has been very busy.  But he will sing it me soon.  And when we re-new our vows he will sing this one for me:

Isn't he romantical? (I heard that term in a romantic movie once).  I just love him.  Although I was a little embarrassed when he used a personal issue between us in a song called "Fall For Your Type":

I forgave him, though.  Our love is deeper than that....Like my song says, "wider than my arms can reach....wider than the ocean......" Yeah he's got me wide open and I'm not ashamed to say it.  Now if I could just get him to return my calls. My friend says that just because I have encountered his security once or twice doesn't mean that Jamie and I actually are in a relationship.  What do you think?  I am a firm believer that if you put positivity out there, you will get it back.  So I am positive that Jamie loves me as much as I love him....maybe even more.   

Monday, September 12, 2011

Brush With Greatness #2 ~ Remembering Barry White

In my house when I was a little girl, you hear the sounds of the O'Jays, Bobby Womack, EWF and the man himself, Barry White. I believed my mom when she said she was going to marry Barry.  I heard it so often that it became apart of my everyday life.  And so was his music. Of course as a kid, you "say" you don't like your parent's music...but I grew to love him as much .....ok maybe not as much as my mom.  So I guess I should have seen it coming when I got a frantic call from her while I was in midst of work. Boy did I get an EARFUL! 

I started working as the Maitre'd for Georgia Brown's Restaurant in Washington D.C. while I was attending Howard University. I was also the Events Coordinator.  (On some weekends,  I also performed during Sunday Jazz Brunch). Having just opened at the time, it quickly became the hot spot for private events, birthday dinners, anniversaries, you name it. (I had a couple who were celebrating their wedding anniversary try to set me up with their God-son who wasn't even there with them. lol He actually turned out to be a very nice guy.)

Like Luther Vandross' staff before him, Barry White's team arranged to have a luncheon at the restaurant, in which I believe the attendees were radio contest winners.....or something like that.  As you might imagine, it was quite a mad-house with Mr. White's staff wanting to make sure every detail was perfect and the 30 or so attendees itching to get closer to him.  My head was spinning, because although it was truly a team-effort to make things run smoothly, it was my name Mr. White's staff was accustomed to calling for assistance. My job was to make them happy and be sure that the GB staff were well-informed on what was expected.  In the midst of it all, Mike (my manager)  tells me "You have a call".  I asked if he could run interference for me......then he says "It's your mom". Knowing that my mom wasn't the type to be kept on hold, I immediately took the call.  

The first thing out of her mouth was, "Why didn't you tell me my husband was going to be there?".  Respectfully, I tell her that she had some competition because every other woman in the building had their eyes on him.  She was not happy about that.......because in her mind, he was all hers.  It's funny how we always have an image of young girls trying to get to Justin Beiber....these "mature" women weren't any better.  There were women who showed up just because they "heard" he'd be there. Man, the energy in that room was nothing like I had felt before.  GROWN WOMAN gotta be grown to understand it. ;) 

Here's wishing Mr. Barry White a Happy Birthday.  Thank you for being on the soundtrack of my life....and for almost being my step-dad.  RIP, Mr. White.

September 12, 1944 - July 4, 2003

Saturday, September 10, 2011

I Will Never Forget

I was just waking up on that Tuesday morning.  My Aunt Doris calls and says to turn on the TV.  At that moment as I watched what was unfolding, what it meant to be "free" changed after seeing the plane collide with the second tower.  Witnessing the scrabble of the newscasters to catch their breath and determine if there were still other flights being hijacked in real-time.  Did terrorist just manage to pull-off the biggest terror attack in American History?  They did indeed.

Just three days earlier, I was indecisive if I should board my United Airlines flight from Newark to Ontario, CA or switch my flight to Tuesday morning so that I could finish packing up the house I was moving out of.  I had just two weeks to tie up loose ends in New Jersey and get to California to help nurse my mom back to health after surgery (which was scheduled for 9/12/2001).  My first thought was that the only prep I would need prior to her surgery was just "getting there" and being able to meet with doctors, etc.  I concluded that anything that I had not packed was not as important, so I kept my itinerary and left on Saturday, September 8, 2001.  

As I stayed glued to the T.V. , like most everyone else, I then heard that there was indeed a plane that had been hijacked that recently left Newark, New Jersey early that morning en route to San Francisco. United Airlines flight number 93.  The same flight I would have been on had I decided to leave on Tuesday instead.  Now, whether you believe it was shot down or crashed due to a struggle in the cockpit near Somerset, Pennsylvania, all 45 people died.  At that moment I felt so many emotions at once.  Sadness for those that lost their lives.  Relief that I chose to fly on the "right" day.  Guilt for not having taken the call from my ex-boyfriend who worked in the towers before I left Jersey.   (I later found out that he made it out of the tower and had quite a story to tell.)  Grateful that I was with my immediate family when tragedy struck.  

As I have talked about in interviews,  I often write songs when the "spirit" moves me to do so.  I feel closest to God when my mind is uncluttered and am able to hear Him whisper in my ear.  I believe when I wrote the lyrics to "Free", it happened just like that.  

Lew (Laing) sent me the track and it made me think of the old I wanted to pay homage to Donny Hathaway (Someday We'll All Be Free) but also take us back to the days when our kids could play outside without worrying....even not coming home til the street lights came on.  As a nation, we can also add to that list remembering back in the day when going to through airport security wasn't so invasive.  Yeah, those were the days, but you know what?  I'd rather be overprotected than under-protected. 

In the weeks and even months that followed those tragic events, we as a nation stood together and re-instated the slogan United We Stand.  Regretfully, on this 10-year anniversary of 9/11, we have gotten away from that togetherness we once used to get us through those tough days post-9/11.  Sadly, we are still "fighting in the streets in absence of peace and losing our way"....(including the bickering & fighting that is taking place in the Nation's Capital).  SN:  It shouldn't have taken so long to get the bill passed to cover the 9/11 first responders for the healthcare coverage they so desperately need and deserve.

I don't profess to have the answers to curing the ills of the world, but I do believe it to be possible.  After all, "Donny used to say "we'll all be free"......and because he said it, I have hope that it will be so.  

Saying a prayer today for those families that lost loved ones on that day and for the men and women who continue to fight for our country in the name of freedom. 

Friday, August 26, 2011

Where were you?

I remember where I was.  Plainfield, NJ.  I was embarking on yet another step towards my destiny.  My music career needed another jolt.  When Phyllis Hyman died, about 5 or 6 years before, I felt a sense of loss, too.  When I heard the news, my first instinct wasn't to check what was trending on Twitter, or to see if anyone on Facebook had heard yet ( like I do now).  Instead, I relied on radio reports which stated that "they" got it from a good source. 

How could it be that someone so lovely and sweet.....on verge of making musical history be gone? So soon? I had already been playing her CD on repeat. Probably one of the last CD's I bought and listened to from beginning to end.  

Click below to buy:

The Newark Branch of ACTSO had a skating party planned that day.  The kids were asking me if it was true. I said I didn't want to believe that it was, but it appeared so.  The day was also to be the last time I would see those students that I had grown so fond of during the time we mentored them.  I was moving back to Cali to try to rejuvenate myself and care for my mom who was having some health issues.  Although I wanted our last time together to be a happy one....a celebration of accomplishments and new chapters, it was truly a sad day.

I watched the funeral services on TV as many of us had, trying not to be bitter because the TV Journalist just didn't understand the outpouring of love for "our angel".  The loss felt like our sister, cousin, and best friend was taken from us abruptly and it hurt.  It still hurts. 10 years later.  To this day, I have not watched the last film she appeared in, "Queen of the Damned".  I couldn't.   It seemed too raw at the time.  Although chronologically it has been 10 still feels like yesterday when I got the call "Did you hear....?".

Sadly, I ALSO remember how cruel certain DJ's on HOT 97 were in creating what they thought would be a "joke" on the Monday after her death.  Star's actions were disgraceful in his decision to be so insensitive.  A petition was circulated for his removal. It took some time, however he is no longer on that station. I remember listening to Angie Martinez that day and hearing Q-tip call in, distraught over the poor choice.....and obviously the pain we all felt, stating that his "boy....just lost his girl".  Referring to Dame Dash. 

Her spirit lives on in her music, in her infectious smile, her silliness (I still remember from footage from MTV Diary) and the Haughton Family.  To the Haughton Family, I'd like to say thank you for sharing "Baby Girl" with us. 

Check out this remix by Ahmed Sirour (Eric Roberson, Teri Tobin, Lenore Jaye, Cleveland Jones)

   Aaliyah - One in a Million (Ahmed Sirour remix) by Ahmed Sirour

So, where were you when you heard?

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Brush With Greatness #1

I've been asked how I got started in the music business and every time I smile at the thought of how blessed I've been to have my first "real" background vocal gig was for Jeffrey Osborne.  To be selected to be apart of the children's choir to sing on "Soweto" was truly a dream come true. 

I remember walking into the Lion Share Recording Studio feeling like I walked into some sort of royal palace. It was the old ABC Records Studio but was purchased by Kenny Rogers in 1981 and was one of the first at that time to offer an all digital and editing computer system.  Of course, millions of folks now have some sort of "Garage Band-like" software in their homes, whether they are professional or just do it for fun but that was a major advancement for those times.  To be able to begin my musical journey in the same studio where "We Are The World" was recorded and to later discover that it was also where one of my all-time-favorite-movies/soundtracks was recorded. (When I finally saw Barbra Streisand's Yentl, the theme of a woman wanting to set out and make her mark in the world in spite of adversity, made me take on that lyric "....nothing's going to stop me now" from the closing song "Piece of Sky"....that's a WHOLE other blog entry in itself.) 

Once I walked into the sound booth, I had forgotten how awkward I felt as an adolescent.  I even forgot that my secret crush didn't know I was alive.  In this room there was a community that I seemed to belong in, by default. His more "seasoned" background singer Portia Griffin  (Kenny G, Aretha Franklin, CeCe Winans, Donna Summer) being there to help us know what our cues were.  She was such a sweetheart. I remember thinking that she didn't treat us like we were "just kids".  Some of the girls and I were even making up choreography to the song, daydreaming that someday we would hit the road with Mr. Osborne.  

So my memory doesn't serve as well on the names of everyone that was in the choir with us, but I do believe Shanice Wilson (I Love Your Smile) and Monica Calhoun (The Best Man, The Players Club, Diary of Single Mom) were among us. #Good Times

I remember the first and only time I heard the song on the radio.  My friend's mom was taking us to school and it came on and I was trying to stay cool even though I wanted to yell out the window "Hey, I'm on this song!".  Frankly, no one would believe me especially since it was a "choir" setting on most of the parts and it's not like you could hear my voice peeking out of the others. (Although, my mom swears "she" could here me.) 

I find it interesting that the lyrics in his song are about "freedom" and my first single was " Free". Given the current racial climate in North London [London riots: update - The Big Picture -]; Jackson, Mississippi [White Teens Run Over Black Man In Surveillance Video - ABC News].....the violence in other areas of the world.... continued famine........we all are still seeking freedom in some sort of way.  The words to the song, written by Elizabeth Lamers, Frank Musker, Hamish Stuart  still ring true for all of the various places mentioned. 

"....I can't believe the things my eyes have seen...I only have a dream..(we shouted) FREEDOM!" - Jeffrey Osborne - "Soweto"

Here's praying that we can find worldwide peace.....

Friday, August 5, 2011

I found HIM ......

After what seems like an eternity....I resurface from some great experiences along my journey.  In brief, during a quick stay in Seattle/Tacoma  I witnessed God's creation in a whole different way. Evidenced by these pictures. 

Just breathtaking. All right here in the U.S.  

How many times I have neglected to admire His work....right under my nose?  The birds that sing outside my window each morning.....the butterfly that crosses my path.....the landscape of the mountains near my "own" backyard.  Ok....I'm paying attention now.  Take time to enjoy the view takes on a whole new meaning for me now. 

Saturday, June 11, 2011

When I think of home, I think of a place where there's love overlflowing....

People ask me all the time "Where is home for you"? I usually say it's wherever "I am". Although I was born in Arizona, I grew up in SoCal aka Southern California.  And as I prepare for my journey back to Cali this week, I can't help but think how excited I am to go home.......(clicking my heels together) 

Ahhhhhhh, there's no place like home....The Pasadena Mall.  Roscoe's.  The Palladium. Riding the RTD to school.  Eliot Jr High.  First official/unofficial double date with "the twins". The Shack (on Central North of Slauson- best burger), The Rose Parade. The Greek Theater.  Did I mention Roscoe's?(Sunset & Gower --Ran into so many people at that location. I remember running into Common there on my birthday one year). Capital Records Building (S/o to Rappin Is Fundamental) Maverick's Flat....... We met Aries Spears there the year he appeared in Jerry Maguire, before he was on MAD TV......Imperial Jr High. Children of The World. Fox Hills Mall. Magic Mountain. World on Wheels. Skate Express. Venice Beach... Soooo many great memories. 

I remember the first day we moved to Cali.  It was like I stepped into a whole new world.  I mean, after all, Arizona didn't have a single r&b/soul radio station, let alone Soul Train.  I saw Soul Train for the very first time when we moved there! Imagine the look on my young face to see all the outfits and dancing.  Oh and the music.  Yeah. The music.  To see people dancing to the songs that my Mom had in her collection was like finally seeing myself reflected on TV for the first time. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate my eclectic taste in music by being surrounded by classic rock.  But to see these people, my people, groovin' to music with SOUL.....there was nothing like it. 

Back in the day, my girls (S/o to Simpli R.A.W.) and I went to some tapings of Soul Train.  Up to that point, that was my highlight to see Don Cornelius do his thing live and also attend the Soul Train Awards.......all along daydreaming of the day when he will interview me about "my" album. 

Fast forward to where I am today.  For life to come full circle and here I am preparing go back home to perform at my old-stomping-grounds in the Inland Empire, is just mind-blowing. I've had friends from High School say that hey are coming to the show(s) with their kids and seem to be as excited as I am. This pit-stop on this part of my journey has been a long time coming.....I don't take any opportunities (LA JAZZ TV/Sunset Showcase) for granted and am so blessed to be able to do what I love to do......

I have officially got my my ipod updated with my traveling music.  Looks like it will be Gretchen Parlato, Mint Condition and Stevie Wonder on heavy rotation.....oh, and I hear this chick named Teri Tobin has a project that's worth checking out, too. ;)

#Love Infinity


Saturday, June 4, 2011

Love from OTV Digital Underground...........

Teri Tobin "Whatcha Say" (Ahmed Sirour Remix)

Everything this man touches turns to gold! We're speaking about musician, producer, arranger and composer Ahmed Sirour. He has done it again!!! Check out this hott new Ahmed Sirour Remix for the song Whatcha Say that appears on Teri Tobin's debut recording entitled Love Infinity. We already know you'll love this as much as we do so purchase this remix below and tell the world how much you love it!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

~ JUNE '11 Newsletter ~

Let your voice be heard......Ok, voice(really)

In honor of Black Music Month, WTMP, Tampa's r&b leader is searching for the best "r&b" singers! Please cast your VOTE for Teri Tobin's hit single "Free" for airplay.

Click on the link below (Starting Friday, May 27) to vote for Teri Tobin's hit single "Free" (co-written and produced by Lew Laing). Remember you can vote one time each day! (once in a 24-hr period)

Last Day to Vote: June 12

Let's Go Team Teri Tobin Music !! Vote - Vote - Vote - Every Day!!

Whatcha Say (Ahmed Sirour Remix)

Some say the art of the "remix" is a dying.  Don't tell Ahmed Sirour  ( ) that.  He remixed my song "Whatcha Say" a blue-lights-in-the-basement-grown-and-sexy-groove into an even sexier Soul-House dance track.  Don't take my word for it. Check it out for yourself.

And So It Begins.....

Greetings Friends......

This is the first of what is to be many posts by yours truly. A chronicle of my journey to my first Subscribe so we can stay connected.....